Programme for the symposium and award ceremony for the Joannes Juda Groen Prijzen 2022.

When: 22 September 2022
Location: Uilenburgersjoel, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, 1011 LM Amsterdam

13.00-13.30 Arrival, coffee and tea are served.

13.30-13.40 Welcome by dr. Harm Krugers, chair JJ Groen Stichting.

13.40-14.00 Prof. dr. Anne Laura van Harmelen, Leiden University “The necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to study resilience after trauma”.

14.00-14.20 Dr. Eddie Brummelman, University of Amsterdam, “His Majesty the Baby: The Development of Narcissism in Children”.

14.20-14.40 Prof. dr. Charlotte Rask, Arhus University (Denmark),
“Functional somatic disorders- can we do it better? A unifying diagnostic system for interdisciplinary research and clinical

14.40-15.00 Prof. dr. Enny Das, Radboud University Nijmegen, “Language and Health: How Language Use about Persistent Physical
Symptoms Affects Physicians´ and Patients´ Perceptions”.

15.00-15.30 Break.

15.30-15.35 Laudatio for dr. Peter Bos by Prof. dr. Rafael Wittek, chair of the jury.

15.35-15.55 Dr. Peter Bos, Leiden University, “To Protect and to Serve: the role of testosterone in human caregiving”.

15.55-16.00 Laudatio for Prof. dr. Judith Rosmalen by Prof. dr. Rafael Wittek, chair of the jury.

16.00-16.20 Prof. dr. Judith Rosmalen, Groningen University, “Frida´s pain: a biopsychosocial perspective”.

16.20-16.30 Closing remarks.

16.30-17.30 Drinks.

Foto´s SIGO symposium 2020